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We post our latest news here so keep an eye on this page and click on any items to read it.

How to get started moving to hosted, cloud VOIP

Check your current contractual liabilities with regard to telephony, are there early termination penalties Check your IP network, you need CAT5e or CAT6 minimum cabling and, ideally, PoE network switches Check your internet access as this needs to allow for 100 KBs of data per simultaneous call Do you want to keep your telephone numbers? Check the numbers are portable, most are but ensure your desired VOIP provider has suitable

09 Mar 2021


Virtual Meetings, making them worthwhile

With lockdowns and health concerns virtual meetings now a standard part of business life for many of us. However virtual meetings can present challenges and result in participants feeling frustrated and even unproductive. Here are some tips on how to run an effective virtual meeting. 1. Internet Connection Regardless of the virtual meeting platform you’re using (e.g. Zoom, Teams, etc) communication issues caused by po

04 Dec 2020


Digital Transformation, are you transforming?

More than half of UK businesses have decided to transform their operations and offering through new business models and digitally enabled products and services. However, in practice,  the level of digital knowledge, planning and therefore maturity is highly variable across sectors and within individual businesses. For many businesses digital transformation is achieved in two phases. Initially through digital business improvement: automating and transforming

23 Jul 2020


Time to thrive not just survive !

It seems to be coming clear that whilst many businesses are fighting for survival an equal number are moving forward, transforming their fundamental way of working and integrating "working from home" as a permanent, ongoing part of "business as usual" . However this transition is not easy and requires careful planning and implementation to achieve a resilient result. Where to start? Expert advice can be hard to find at the right time and at the ri

06 Jul 2020


Remote and home office working is here for small and medium sized business and here to stay.

By the end of 2019 there were around 4.8 million cloud telephony users in the UK, which represented an 800,000 user increase on the previous year. The majority of that growth came from medium sized business (50~249 employees) but in 2020 the expectation is for the small sized businesses (1~49 employees) to contribute much more to the spiralling increase. Why? Because prior to the COVID 19 pandemic small business did little to provide employees with a remote working opportunity; with onl

09 Jun 2020


Transition to Business VoIP; the opportunity

Transition to business VoIP is something that every business is going to have to accomplish eventually. Many have already achieved this, along with other elements of digital transformation. Business VoIP does not have to be a “like for like” replacement of legacy telephony. In fact, it’s the opportunity to revise and review business practices and ascertain the telecommunication requirements of the business going forward, for example, whether desk telephone

20 May 2020


Remote working is easy .... isn't it ??

Remote but effective…. 6 weeks in. Working remotely in a world with VoIP, Office 365, Zoom, Teams and the like is easy …. Isn’t it? Well it is if you have the right vendors and by the right vendors this is not always going to be the cheapest, its going to be those that offers the solutions that suit your business, the best service and cost effectiveness. Those business that did not have a require

30 Apr 2020


Expert Advice on Business Continuity

Business continuity planning is not just something for large business to consider and worry about. The current "people" and logistics issues being posed by the corona virus have focused the minds of many business owners and managers on how their business can and will continue to operate if their operation is forced to be remote, mobile or dispersed. If you need expert advice on the telecommunication and internet access options that are available for you business then please ge

11 Mar 2020


The impact of mobile technology on DT and UC

Advances in the mobility of technology has resulted in spend on digital transformation in 2019 being estimated to be more than 40pct greater than in 2017. This is likely to increase further as companies continue to leverage technology across their businesses to advance operations and deliver greater value. Unified communications, combining instant messaging, presence, voice, and mobility, is a growing part of digitization. Digital transformation and unified communica

29 Oct 2019


Can you afford not to use a consultant?

Can you afford not to use a consultant? by Syncly Cloud

Do you hate being sold to? I do, but I do like unbiased help from an expert.   Do you dislike “industry” jargon? I do, but I do like creative solutions.   Do you worry how you are going to choose the “right” vendor to provide effective unified communication services for your business?  Maybe its time to engage a consultant to help you make an

24 Oct 2019


Why do Digital Transformation projects fail or just not get started?

Why do Digital Transformation projects fail or just not get started? by Syncly Cloud

Around 20pct of large businesses in the UK have not managed to deliver their scheduled and budgeted digital transformation projects, according to a recent survey*. The main reasons why some 70 pct. of digital transformation projects fail:- Lack of understanding of technologies available Incorrect vendor and/or platform choice Budget holder concerns around making the wrong technology/vendor c

17 Oct 2019


UK 5G rural area trials; might lead to a solution for poor rural broadband

The UK government has launched a £30m UK-wide competition help rural areas seize the opportunities presented by 5G technology, which offers mobile connection speeds 10 to 20 times faster than 4G. Currently only around 67% of the country can access a good 4G signal and therefore the government are planning reforms as a means to removing current barriers whilst realising that there must also be a balan

10 Oct 2019


Digital Transformation ... are you on the path ?

Digital Transformation ... are you on the path ? by Syncly Cloud

As workplace technology continues to evolve working lives are changing dramatically. The digital workplace delivers the benefits of technology to support employees and enhance business processes. We can already see that the impact of the digital workplace has been huge. Through the use of cloud services, mo

19 Sep 2019


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0203 758 7285

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We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our advice, project management and mentoring services and their potential for helping individuals and business owners.

Indication of and advice on profit gains, income generation, solution provision, problem resolution, vendor recommendations and other results are not necessarily average, ideal, optimum or typical nor intended as representations of your individual or business result.

As with any service, results may vary significantly. Each business or individual's results depend on numerous factors including ability, resources, ambitions, background, dedication, motivation, work ethic and desire.

Significant financial risk is possible with any vendor or supplier if you don't do your own due diligence.

No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied. All rights reserved.

Please contact us for friendly advice on anything Business Telecoms or Internet Related